Teddit instance is now live!
  • 7th Jun 2022 •
  •  2 min read

Continuing on the journey of running my very own public server, I have decided to host Teddit under the subdomain teddit.dalamagas.xyz.

🔗Background info

Have you ever browsed reddit.com from a PC without having an account and ended up getting nagging prompts after a few clicks that ask you to make an account?

Have you also experienced general laginess, videos or posts taking forever to load whilst using the official Reddit site?

Reddit, after its UI redesign in 2018 is hot garbage. The redesigned frontend is completely written in JavaScript which would be fine if it was optimized but it's not. It is resource intensive and bogs down the browser.

Also, the new UI completely deviates from its older more customizable and functional version and instead idiot-proofs it to make it more attractive to the masses with its flat material look.

Like many other popular social sites nowadays, Reddit requires you to log-in after trying to access their site without an account. This is so they can collect precious personal data (what subreddits you visit, how often, etc) to show you targeted advertising.

🔗What is Teddit?

Well, Teddit is an alternative frontend for Reddit that retains the old UI AND allows one to browse the site anonymously indefinetely (without needing an account ever). It is free/libre and open-source and does away with ads and other trackers embedded in the official website.

Check out its source code and learn more here.